
Monday, February 27, 2012

Installing Pakages rpm ang tar


rpm -iUhv <pkgname>.rpm

rpm -F <pkgname>.rpm
rpm -e <pkgname>.rpm
rpm -l <pkgname>.rpm



h...Print  50  hash marks as the package archive is unpacked

v...print normally routine progress messages

F...Fresh install

e...erase install

l...listing details


tar -xvzf package_name.tar.gz

x= extract v=verbose z=(un)compress f=file

tar -jxvf package_name.tar.bz2





Changing the permissions can be done with names and numbers, I like the numbers

chmod 754  test.txt

Here is why:
4=read 2=write 1=execute.
The three numbers in the chmod above are for the

"user" ( the first number ),

"group" ( the second number ) and

"others" ( the third number )

So if I want to give the user all permissions: 4+2+1=7
and i give the group read an execute permissions: 4+1=5
and all others only read permission 4=4

chmod takes either the decimal representation of the permissions or a symbolic representation.

The symbolic representation is [ugoa][+-][rwx]. This is one of the letters

u  (user=file owner),

g  (group), o(others),

a   (all=u and g and o) followed by + or - to add or remove permissions and then the symbolic      representation of the permissions in the form of

r   (read)

w   (write)

x   (execute).

To make the file "file.txt" writable for all you type: "chmod a+w  file.txt"

See through Terminal

Guake is an application which will give us a see through terminal.with tis terminal u can work on terminal and see the background as well see movies/photos etc

yum install guake*