Installing phpShield LoadersThe first thing we need to do is check a couple of PHP settings. The easiest way to do this is with a phpinfo file. If you don't know how to create a phpinfo file, you can
Now that you have a php info file, upload it to your website's
public_html directory and view it in your browser by typing in your address bar. You want to find/verify the following in your phpinfo.php file:Your PHP version
Thread Safety is disabled
enable_dl is set to
onThe path to your extension_dir
Path to your php.ini file
Now connect to your webserver using your favorite SSH client and login as root.
Create a new working directory then change directories:
mkdir ~/phpshield cd ~/phpshield
Download the phpSHIELD loaders:
or if you have a 64 bit OS (most people will have a 32 bit OS so you will most likely use the code above)
Extract the loaders:
If you do a directory list: ls
you will see a bunch of files named
phpshield.4.3.lin to phpshield.5.2.lin.
What we want to do here is find the phpshield file with the number that matches your PHP version. You can find your PHP version at the very top of your phpinfo file from earlier. Now we need to copy the appropriate phpshield loader file to your PHP extensions directory.cp ~/phpshield/phpshield.x.x.lin /path/to/your/php/extensions/directory
Replace x.x above with your PHP version and use the path to your PHP extensions directory (you should have found this in step 2 above.)
Open your php.ini file
nano /path/to/php/ini/php.ini
You should have found the path to your php.ini file in your phpinfo.php file from earlier.
Append the following to the Dynamic Extensions section of your php.ini file:
Replace x.x with the number on the phpshield file you moved earlier.
Finally, restart httpd: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart