
Monday, February 11, 2013

MultiTail – MultiTail is a program for monitoring multiple log files, in the fashion of the original tail program

MultiTail – MultiTail is a program for monitoring multiple log files, in the fashion of the original tail program
cd /usr/src/
tar zxvf multitail-5.2.12.tgz
cd multitail-*
yum install ncurses ncurses-devel -y
make install
multitail -i /etc/host.conf -i /etc/sysctl.conf

SPRI – Tool for changing the priority

SPRI – Tool for changing the priority of different processess running in the server according to the level of importance and thereby increasing the performance and productivity of the server.

cd /usr/src
tar zxvf spri-current.tar.gz
cd spri-0*
spri -v

System Integrity Monitor – Service monitoring of HTTP, FTP, DNS, SSH, MYSQL & more

System Integrity Monitor – Service monitoring of HTTP, FTP, DNS, SSH, MYSQL & more

cd /usr/src/
tar zxf sim-current.tar.gz
cd sim-3*
./setup -i
perl -pi -e "s/^init.named.*/init.named on/" /usr/local/sim/config/mods.control
perl -pi -e "s/^init.httpd.*/init.httpd on/" /usr/local/sim/config/mods.control
perl -pi -e "s/^init.mysqld.*/init.mysql on/" /usr/local/sim/config/mods.control
perl -pi -e "s/^init.named.*/init.named on/" /usr/local/sim/config/mods.control
perl -pi -e "s/^init.exim.*/init.exim on/" /usr/local/sim/config/mods.control
sim -j