Here all my package are place in /apache directory
cd /apache
echo "Switching OFF httpd"
sleep 2
service httpd stop
chkconfig httpd off
echo "Installing needed packages..."
sleep 2
yum install -y pcre*
yum install -y gcc*
yum install -y libtool
yum install -y mod_ssl
yum install -y openssl*
yum install -y libxml*
echo "Untaring apache..."
sleep 2
tar zxvf httpd-2.4.3.tar.gz
tar zxvf apr-1.4.6.tar.gz
tar zxvf apr-util-1.4.1.tar.gz
cd /apache
echo "Moving APR to directories..."
sleep 2
mv apr-1.4.6 /apache/httpd-2.4.3/srclib/apr
mv apr-util-1.4.1 /apache/httpd-2.4.3/srclib/apr-util
mkdir -p /http
cd httpd-2.4.3
echo "Compiling Apache..."
sleep 2
./configure --prefix=/http/ --enable-module=so --enable-rewrite=shared --with-included-apr --enable-cgi --enable-ssl
echo "Installing Apache..."
make install
sleep 2
echo "Time for manual configuration..."
sleep 2
echo "Creating the SSL certificate and key"
sleep 2
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
echo "Copying the files to /http/conf"
sleep 2
cp server * /http/conf
echo "configure the ssl in apache"
gedit /http/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
we should edit the ssl conf file to correct certificate and key file
echo "
#SSLEngine on
" >> /http/conf/httpd.conf
tail -n 7 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf >> /http/conf/httpd.conf
gedit /http/conf/httpd.conf
in httpd conf file we need to give the above 3 lines and path to certificate and key .we need to check whether the module is loaded or hashed ,if hashed we need to un hash it
the a proper service restart will ask for password
/http/bin/apachectl restart
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
NFS Sharing
Network File System Sharing is used for sharing the files/directory all through the network
port 2049
files used are
@ /usr/sbin
1.Server --- place from which we need to share the directory
---->yum install -y nfs-utils*
---->service nfs restart
---->chkconfig nfs on
---->vim /etc/exports
In this file we say about files we need to share ,the mode in which the files are to shared and network to which the files are to be shared
some of the modes in which directories can be shared are
---->exportfs -r
----****we should set the proper context ,sebool and setfacl for needed user
---->getsebool -a | grep nfs
this will list the needed Boolean we must set it according to the needs
---->setfacl -m u:nfsnobody:rwx /nfs
this will allow the nfsnobody user to use the /nfs directory this is needed if we are giving the write option to the directory
if more problems occur while sharing the directory we should also check the context for selinux or disable the selinux
showmount -e
will list the all the nfs shared directory by the server
2.Client --- where we will mount the shared directories
there are multiple ways to mount the directory
---->yum install -y nfs*
---->service nfs restart
---->chkconfig nfs on
a.every shared folders will be available at /net every time as readonly type we use that as following ,for first example of sharing
---->cd /net
---->cd cd nfs
b.We can also mount the directory by simple mount command
mount nfs:// /data
one of the main default of this system is that if we give the entry for mount in fstab and server goes down and if we restart the client ,the client will have boot break to over come this problem we use autofs mounting systems
c.using autofs mounting system
here first we will edit /etc/auto.master file
---->vim /etc/auto.master
/data /etc/auto.nfs
---->vim /etc/auto.nfs
nfs -rw
----->service autofs reload
----->chkconfig autofs on
here after reloading the autofs service we could browse to that folder
---->cd /data
---->cd nfs
port 2049
files used are
@ /usr/sbin
1.Server --- place from which we need to share the directory
---->yum install -y nfs-utils*
---->service nfs restart
---->chkconfig nfs on
---->vim /etc/exports
In this file we say about files we need to share ,the mode in which the files are to shared and network to which the files are to be shared
some of the modes in which directories can be shared are
---->exportfs -r
----****we should set the proper context ,sebool and setfacl for needed user
---->getsebool -a | grep nfs
this will list the needed Boolean we must set it according to the needs
---->setfacl -m u:nfsnobody:rwx /nfs
this will allow the nfsnobody user to use the /nfs directory this is needed if we are giving the write option to the directory
if more problems occur while sharing the directory we should also check the context for selinux or disable the selinux
showmount -e
will list the all the nfs shared directory by the server
2.Client --- where we will mount the shared directories
there are multiple ways to mount the directory
---->yum install -y nfs*
---->service nfs restart
---->chkconfig nfs on
a.every shared folders will be available at /net every time as readonly type we use that as following ,for first example of sharing
---->cd /net
---->cd cd nfs
b.We can also mount the directory by simple mount command
mount nfs:// /data
one of the main default of this system is that if we give the entry for mount in fstab and server goes down and if we restart the client ,the client will have boot break to over come this problem we use autofs mounting systems
c.using autofs mounting system
here first we will edit /etc/auto.master file
---->vim /etc/auto.master
/data /etc/auto.nfs
---->vim /etc/auto.nfs
nfs -rw
----->service autofs reload
----->chkconfig autofs on
here after reloading the autofs service we could browse to that folder
---->cd /data
---->cd nfs
Samba Sharing
Samba sharing use for sharing between linux and windows machines
port 137,139,138,445
configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf
samba sharing can be of two types public and non public with username and passwd
1.public sharing
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
74 workgroup = MYGROUP
75 server string = Samba Server Version %v
79 interfaces = lo eth0
80 hosts allow = 127. 192.168.12. 192.168.13.
last 8 lines
comment = Public Stuff
path = /smb
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
write list = +staff
browseable = no
here work group must be capital
server string is the name by which we select the sambaserver
interfaces as per needed
hosts allowed as per needed
later the share name in square bracket its the name by which we select the samba share from the server
path path to the directory
public yes for the public connection
browseable yes to enable browsing
here we are sharing the /smb directory,we should set the context,sebool and setfacl as need
---->chcon -t samba_share_t /smb
---->setfacl -m u:nobody:rwx /smb
and give needed sebool
getsebool -a | grep smb
getsebool -a | grep samba
2.Non public sharing
for a non public sharing the public tag should be no and we should add following tags from lines 252 to last part
valid users = ram
and we need to setfacl for ram to the directory /smb
---->setfacl -m u:ram:rwx /smb
and we need to give smbpasswd
smbpasswd -a ram
smbpasswd -e ram
-a for adding the user to samba users and -e to enable the samba passwd
we could see the hosted samba server by
smbclient -L <---------IP of server
client part
smbclient -L
smbclient //server_string/sharename
2.Non public users
smbclient //server_string/sharename -U username
port 137,139,138,445
configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf
samba sharing can be of two types public and non public with username and passwd
1.public sharing
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
74 workgroup = MYGROUP
75 server string = Samba Server Version %v
79 interfaces = lo eth0
80 hosts allow = 127. 192.168.12. 192.168.13.
last 8 lines
comment = Public Stuff
path = /smb
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
write list = +staff
browseable = no
here work group must be capital
server string is the name by which we select the sambaserver
interfaces as per needed
hosts allowed as per needed
later the share name in square bracket its the name by which we select the samba share from the server
path path to the directory
public yes for the public connection
browseable yes to enable browsing
here we are sharing the /smb directory,we should set the context,sebool and setfacl as need
---->chcon -t samba_share_t /smb
---->setfacl -m u:nobody:rwx /smb
and give needed sebool
getsebool -a | grep smb
getsebool -a | grep samba
2.Non public sharing
for a non public sharing the public tag should be no and we should add following tags from lines 252 to last part
valid users = ram
and we need to setfacl for ram to the directory /smb
---->setfacl -m u:ram:rwx /smb
and we need to give smbpasswd
smbpasswd -a ram
smbpasswd -e ram
-a for adding the user to samba users and -e to enable the samba passwd
we could see the hosted samba server by
smbclient -L <---------IP of server
client part
smbclient -L
smbclient //server_string/sharename
2.Non public users
smbclient //server_string/sharename -U username
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