
Showing posts with label ansible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ansible. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024

Troubleshooting Python Module Import Errors in Ansible

Are you encountering issues with importing Python modules in Ansible? Don't worry; you're not alone. In this blog post, we'll explore common reasons for module import errors in Ansible and provide step-by-step solutions to resolve them.

Problem Description

You may have encountered error messages like the following when running Ansible tasks:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyVim'

These errors indicate that Ansible is unable to find the required Python modules (requests and pyVim) in your Python environment.

Solution Steps

Here's a breakdown of the steps you can take to resolve these module import errors:

Install Missing Python Modules: Use pip or your preferred package manager to install the missing modules. For example:
pip install requests pyVim
Verify Python Interpreter: Ensure that Ansible is using the correct Python interpreter. You can specify the Python interpreter using the ansible_python_interpreter variable in your Ansible inventory or configuration file.

Check Python Environment: Make sure that the Python environment being used by Ansible is properly configured and has the necessary permissions to access the modules.

Consider Virtual Environments: Using virtual environments can help manage Python dependencies and avoid conflicts between projects. Create a virtual environment and install the required modules inside it.

Update Ansible Configuration: If necessary, update your Ansible configuration to point to the correct Python interpreter or virtual environment.

Debugging: Enable verbose output (-vvv) to get more detailed error messages and traceback information. This can help identify the root cause of the problem.


By following these steps, you should be able to resolve module import errors in Ansible and ensure that your tasks run smoothly. Remember to always check your Python environment, install missing modules, and update Ansible configuration as needed.

If you continue to encounter issues, don't hesitate to consult the Ansible documentation or seek assistance from the Ansible community. With a little troubleshooting and perseverance, you'll have your Ansible playbook up and running in no time!

Stay tuned for more Ansible tips and tricks on our blog. Happy automating!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Kubernetes(k8s) with Containerd Using Ansible Over Ubuntu Machines

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration system that provides a powerful platform for managing containerized applications. Containerd is a lightweight, yet powerful container runtime that provides the underlying infrastructure for many Kubernetes deployments. In this, we can see how to set up Kubernetes with Containerd using Ansible over Ubuntu machines.


  • Ubuntu VM's running on Vmware
  • K8s with Containerd Runtime

User Creation

  • Asks for the User Name which has to be created
  • Create's the user
  • Adds a dedicated Sudo entry 
  • Setting up Password less sudo for user
  • Copy the local uses ssh key to server for password less auth
  • Print the details
  • Updates the System
  • Steps added for the Package Cleaning as well. 

- hosts: all
become: yes

- name: "new_user"
prompt: "Account need to be create in remote server."
private: no

- name: creating the user {{ new_user }}.
name: "{{ new_user }}"
createhome: yes
shell: /bin/bash
append: yes
state: present

- name: Create a dedicated sudo entry file for the user.
path: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ new_user }}"
state: touch
mode: '0600'
- name: "Setting up Sudo without Password for user {{ new_user }}."
dest: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ new_user }}"
line: '{{ new_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
validate: 'visudo -cf %s'

- name: Set authorized key for user copying it from current {{ new_user }} user.
user: "{{ new_user }}"
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file', lookup('env','HOME') + '/.ssh/') }}"

- name: Print the created user.
shell: id "{{ new_user }}"
register: new_user_created
- debug:
msg: "{{ new_user_created.stdout_lines[0] }}"

- name: Remove Docker packages
name: docker-ce docker-ce-cli
state: absent
purge: yes

- name: Remove Docker directories
path: "{{ item }}"
state: absent
- /etc/docker
- /var/lib/docker
- /var/run/docker.sock

- name: Remove containerd packages
name: containerd
state: absent
purge: yes

- name: Remove containerd directories
path: "{{ item }}"
state: absent
- /etc/containerd
- /var/lib/containerd
- name: "Update cache & Full system update"
update_cache: true
cache_valid_time: 3600
force_apt_get: true

Package Installation in Master and Worker Nodes

  • Copy the local host files to all the server for name resolution
  • update the hostnames of the machines based on the names in host file
  • Temporary Swap off
  • Swap off in fstab
  • Create a empty file for containerd module.
  • Configure module for containerd.
  • Create a empty file for kubernetes sysctl params.
  • Configure sysctl params for Kubernetes.
  • Apply sysctl params without reboot
  • Installing Prerequisites for Kubernetes
  • Add Docker’s official GPG key
  • Add Docker Repository
  • Install containerd.
  • Configure containerd.
  • Configure containerd.
  • Creating containerd Config file
  • Enable containerd service, and start it.
  • Add Google official GPG key
  • Add Kubernetes Repository
  • Installing Kubernetes Cluster Packages.
  • Enable service kubelet, and enable persistently
  • Reboot all the Kubernetes nodes.

- hosts: "master, workers"
remote_user: ansible
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
gather_facts: yes
connection: ssh
- name: Copying the host file
src: /etc/hosts
dest: /etc/hosts
owner: root
group: root

- name: "Updating hostnames"
name: "{{ new_hostname }}"

- name: Make the Swap inactive
command: swapoff -a

- name: Remove Swap entry from /etc/fstab.
dest: /etc/fstab
regexp: swap
state: absent

- name: Create a empty file for containerd module.
content: ""
dest: /etc/modules-load.d/containerd.conf
force: no

- name: Configure module for containerd.
path: /etc/modules-load.d/containerd.conf
block: |

- name: Create a empty file for kubernetes sysctl params.
content: ""
dest: /etc/sysctl.d/99-kubernetes-cri.conf
force: no

- name: Configure sysctl params for Kubernetes.
path: /etc/sysctl.d/99-kubernetes-cri.conf
line: "{{ item }}"
- 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1'
- 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1'
- 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1'

- name: Apply sysctl params without reboot.
command: sysctl --system

- name: Installing Prerequisites for Kubernetes
- apt-transport-https
- ca-certificates
- curl
- gnupg-agent
- vim
- software-properties-common
state: present

- name: Add Docker’s official GPG key
state: present
- name: Add Docker Repository
repo: deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable
state: present
filename: docker
update_cache: yes

- name: "Update cache & Full system update"
update_cache: true
upgrade: dist
cache_valid_time: 3600
force_apt_get: true

- name: Install containerd.
state: present

- name: Configure containerd.
path: /etc/containerd
state: directory

- name: Enable containerd service, and start it.
name: containerd
state: restarted
enabled: yes
daemon-reload: yes

- name: Add Google official GPG key
state: present

- name: Add Kubernetes Repository
repo: deb kubernetes-xenial main
state: present
filename: kubernetes
mode: 0600

- name: "Update cache & Full system update"
update_cache: true
upgrade: dist
cache_valid_time: 3600
force_apt_get: true

- name: Installing Kubernetes Cluster Packages.
- kubeadm
- kubectl
- kubelet
state: present

- name: Enable service kubelet, and enable persistently
name: kubelet
enabled: yes

- name: Reboot all the kubernetes nodes.
msg: "Reboot initiated by Ansible"
connect_timeout: 5
reboot_timeout: 3600
pre_reboot_delay: 0
post_reboot_delay: 30
test_command: whoami

Master Configuration

  • Pulls all needed images
  • Reset Kubeadm if its already configured
  • Initialize K8s cluster
  • Create Directory for Kube config file in master
  • Create a local kube config file in master
  • Copy the kube config file to ansible local server
  • Genarates the Kube toke for workers and stores it
  • Copy the token to master's tmp directory
  • Copy the toke to ansible local tmp direcotry
  • Initialize the pod network with fannel
  • Copy the output to mater file
  • Copy the output to ansible local server

- hosts: master
remote_user: ansible
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
gather_facts: yes
connection: ssh

- name: Pulling images required for setting up a Kubernetes cluster
shell: kubeadm config images pull

- name: Resetting kubeadm
shell: kubeadm reset -f
register: output

- name: Initializing Kubernetes cluster
shell: kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address=$(ip a |grep ens160| grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/') --pod-network-cidr --v=5
register: myshell_output

- debug: msg="{{ myshell_output.stdout }}"

- name: Create .kube to home directory of master server
path: $HOME/.kube
state: directory
mode: 0755

- name: Copy admin.conf to user's kube config to master server
src: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
dest: $HOME/.kube/config
remote_src: yes

- name: Copy admin.conf to user's kube config to ansible local server
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
src: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
dest: /Users/rahulraj/.kube/config
flat: yes
- name: Get the token for joining the nodes with Kuberentes master.
shell: kubeadm token create --print-join-command
register: kubernetes_join_command
- debug:
msg: "{{ kubernetes_join_command.stdout_lines }}"

- name: Copy K8s Join command to file in master
content: "{{ kubernetes_join_command.stdout_lines[0] }}"
dest: "/tmp/kubernetes_join_command"

- name: Copy join command from master to local ansible server
src: "/tmp/kubernetes_join_command"
dest: "/tmp/kubernetes_join_command"
flat: yes

- name: Install Pod network
shell: kubectl apply -f
register: myshell_output

- name: Copy the output to master file
content: "{{ myshell_output.stdout }}"
dest: "/tmp/pod_network_setup.txt"

- name: Copy network output from master to local ansible server
src: "/tmp/pod_network_setup.txt"
dest: "/tmp/pod_network_setup.txt"
flat: yes

Worker Configuration

  • Copy the token from ansible local file to worker nodes
  • Reset the kubeadm 
  • Join the Worker node to Master by running the command

- hosts: workers
remote_user: ansible
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
gather_facts: yes
connection: ssh

- name: Copy token to worker nodes.
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
src: /tmp/kubernetes_join_command
dest: /tmp/kubernetes_join_command
mode: 0777
- name: Resetting kubeadm
shell: kubeadm reset -f
register: output

- name: Join the Worker nodes with the master.
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
command: sh /tmp/kubernetes_join_command
register: joined_or_not
- debug:
msg: "{{ joined_or_not.stdout }}"

K8s should be up with the worker nodes now. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Kubernetes(k8s) With Ansible Over Ubuntu Machines with Docker

Kubernetes(k8s) is a popular container orchestration system that provides a powerful platform for managing containerized applications. Docker is a lightweight, yet powerful container runtime that provides the underlying infrastructure for many Kubernetes deployments. In this, we can see how to set up Kubernetes with Docker using Ansible over Ubuntu machines.


  • Ubuntu VM's running on Vmware
  • K8s with Docker Runtime
** Important Notice: Following Settings are not working since the new release of 1.27. Please make use of the deployment with Containers.

User Creation

  • Asks for the User Name which has to be created
  • Create's the user
  • Adds a dedicated Sudo entry 
  • Setting up Password less sudo for user
  • Copy the local uses ssh key to server for password less auth
  • Print the details
  • Updates the System

- hosts: all
become: yes

- name: "new_user"
prompt: "Account need to be create in remote server."
private: no

- name: creating the user {{ new_user }}.
name: "{{ new_user }}"
createhome: yes
shell: /bin/bash
append: yes
state: present

- name: Create a dedicated sudo entry file for the user.
path: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ new_user }}"
state: touch
mode: '0600'
- name: "Setting up Sudo without Password for user {{ new_user }}."
dest: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ new_user }}"
line: '{{ new_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
validate: 'visudo -cf %s'

- name: Set authorized key for user copying it from current {{ new_user }} user.
user: "{{ new_user }}"
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file', lookup('env','HOME') + '/.ssh/') }}"

- name: Print the created user.
shell: id "{{ new_user }}"
register: new_user_created
- debug:
msg: "{{ new_user_created.stdout_lines[0] }}"

- name: "Update cache & Full system update"
update_cache: true
upgrade: dist
cache_valid_time: 3600
force_apt_get: true

Package Installation in Master and Worker Nodes

  • Copy the local host files to all the server for name resolution
  • update the hostnames of the machines based on the names in host file
  • Temporary Swap off
  • Swap off in fstab
  • Installing Kubernetes Pre-requisites packages
  • Adding Docker Packages Keys
  • Adding Docker Respository
  • Install Docker packages
  • Enables Docker Services
  • Add Google repositories keys
  • Create Directory for Docker deamon file
  • Create the docker deamon file with Overlay details
  • Restart Docker Services
  • Install Kubernetes Packages
  • Enabled K8s Services
  • Reboot the Servers

- hosts: "master, workers"
remote_user: ansible
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
gather_facts: yes
connection: ssh
- name: Copying the host file
src: /etc/hosts
dest: /etc/hosts
owner: root
group: root

- name: "Updating hostnames"
name: "{{ new_hostname }}"

- name: Make the Swap inactive
command: swapoff -a

- name: Remove Swap entry from /etc/fstab.
dest: /etc/fstab
regexp: swap
state: absent

- name: Installing Prerequisites for Kubernetes
- apt-transport-https
- ca-certificates
- curl
- gnupg-agent
- vim
- software-properties-common
state: present

- name: Add Docker’s official GPG key
state: present

- name: Add Docker Repository
repo: deb [arch=amd64] xenial stable
state: present
filename: docker
mode: 0600

- name: Install Docker Engine.
- docker-ce
- docker-ce-cli
state: present

- name: Enable service docker, and enable persistently
name: docker
enabled: yes

- name: Add Google official GPG key
state: present

- name: Creates directory
path: /etc/docker/
state: directory

- name: Creating a file with content
dest: "/etc/docker/daemon.json"
content: |
"exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"],
"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {
"max-size": "100m"
"storage-driver": "overlay2"

- name: restart docker
name: docker
state: restarted
enabled: yes

- name: Add Kubernetes Repository
repo: deb kubernetes-xenial main
state: present
filename: kubernetes
mode: 0600

- name: Installing Kubernetes Cluster Packages.
- kubeadm
- kubectl
- kubelet
state: present

- name: Enable service kubelet, and enable persistently
name: kubelet
enabled: yes

- name: Reboot all the kubernetes nodes.
msg: "Reboot initiated by Ansible"
connect_timeout: 5
reboot_timeout: 3600
pre_reboot_delay: 0
post_reboot_delay: 30
test_command: whoami

Master Configuration

  • Pulls all needed images
  • Reset Kubeadm if its already configured
  • Initialize K8s cluster
  • Create Directory for Kube config file in master
  • Create a local kube config file in master
  • Copy the kube config file to ansible local server
  • Genarates the Kube toke for workers and stores it
  • Copy the token to master's tmp directory
  • Copy the toke to ansible local tmp direcotry
  • Initialize the pod network with fannel
  • Copy the output to mater file
  • Copy the output to ansible local server

- hosts: master
remote_user: ansible
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
gather_facts: yes
connection: ssh

- name: Pulling images required for setting up a Kubernetes cluster
shell: kubeadm config images pull

- name: Resetting kubeadm
shell: kubeadm reset -f
register: output

- name: Initializing Kubernetes cluster
shell: kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address=$(ip a |grep ens160| grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/') --pod-network-cidr --v=5
register: myshell_output

- debug: msg="{{ myshell_output.stdout }}"

- name: Create .kube to home directory of master server
path: $HOME/.kube
state: directory
mode: 0755

- name: Copy admin.conf to user's kube config to master server
src: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
dest: $HOME/.kube/config
remote_src: yes

- name: Copy admin.conf to user's kube config to ansible local server
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
src: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
dest: /Users/rahulraj/.kube/config
flat: yes
- name: Get the token for joining the nodes with Kuberentes master.
shell: kubeadm token create --print-join-command
register: kubernetes_join_command
- debug:
msg: "{{ kubernetes_join_command.stdout_lines }}"

- name: Copy K8s Join command to file in master
content: "{{ kubernetes_join_command.stdout_lines[0] }}"
dest: "/tmp/kubernetes_join_command"

- name: Copy join command from master to local ansible server
src: "/tmp/kubernetes_join_command"
dest: "/tmp/kubernetes_join_command"
flat: yes

- name: Install Pod network
shell: kubectl apply -f
register: myshell_output

- name: Copy the output to master file
content: "{{ myshell_output.stdout }}"
dest: "/tmp/pod_network_setup.txt"

- name: Copy network output from master to local ansible server
src: "/tmp/pod_network_setup.txt"
dest: "/tmp/pod_network_setup.txt"
flat: yes

Worker Configuration

  • Copy the token from ansible local file to worker nodes
  • Reset the kubeadm 
  • Join the Worker node to Master by running the command

- hosts: workers
remote_user: ansible
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
gather_facts: yes
connection: ssh

- name: Copy token to worker nodes.
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
src: /tmp/kubernetes_join_command
dest: /tmp/kubernetes_join_command
mode: 0777
- name: Resetting kubeadm
shell: kubeadm reset -f
register: output

- name: Join the Worker nodes with the master.
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
command: sh /tmp/kubernetes_join_command
register: joined_or_not
- debug:
msg: "{{ joined_or_not.stdout }}"

K8s should be up with the worker nodes now. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Manage Vmware Machines With Ansible

Here we are looking on how to use Ansible to connect to vCenters and manage VMs. The focus will be on using quick playbooks for cloning and deleting a current template VM.

We can see the playbook for the creation process for cloning and deleting VMs. The playbook creation process will involve setting up variables, tasks, and handlers, and will be broken down into simple, easy-to-follow steps. Sample playbooks will be provided as a starting point for managing VMs in vCenter using Ansible.

Clone a VM in Vcenter with Ansible Playbook

- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
vcenter_server: ""
vcenter_user: "User-Name"
vcenter_pass: "Password"
datacenter_name: "DC-Name"
cluster_name: ""
resources_pool: "RG-Name"
template_vm: "Template-Name"
- vm1
- vm2

- name: Clone the template
hostname: "{{ vcenter_server }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
resource_pool: "rahul-test"
validate_certs: False
name: "{{ item }}"
template: "{{ template_vm }}"
datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}"
folder: /{{ datacenter_name }}/vm
state: poweredon
wait_for_ip_address: yes
register: "r"
with_items: "{{ serv }}"
- debug :
msg: "This is the Host-IPs: {{ item.instance.ipv4 }} {{ item.instance.hw_name }}"
with_items: "{{ r.results}}"
label: "{{ item.instance.hw_name }}"

Shutdown a VM in Vcenter with Ansible Playbook

- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
vcenter_server: ""
vcenter_user: "User-Name"
vcenter_pass: "Password"
datacenter_name: "DC-Name"
cluster_name: ""
- name: Shutdown the template
hostname: "{{ vcenter_server }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
validate_certs: False
name: "{{ item}}"
datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}"
folder: /{{ datacenter_name }}/vm
state: poweredoff
wait_for_ip_address: yes
- vm1
- vm2

Delete a VM in Vcenter with Ansible Playbook

- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
vcenter_server: ""
vcenter_user: "User-Name"
vcenter_pass: "Password"
datacenter_name: "DC-Name"
cluster_name: ""
- name: Delete the template
hostname: "{{ vcenter_server }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
validate_certs: False
name: "{{ item}}"
datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}"
folder: /{{ datacenter_name }}/vm
state: absent
wait_for_ip_address: yes
- vm1
- vm2